I'm sure I'm not telling you anything you don't know when I tell you I love Habu yarns and adore Irish linen. Although many knitters love this Habu slub yarn, no one knew what to do with it.

So I began experimenting with it. It's thin, so I doubled it, taking one strand from the outside of the skein and one from the inside. Hmm. Maybe lace. I tried a variety of needles and decided on a U.S. #9. I cast on 12 sts and tried a simple eyelet stitch. It was beautiful, but curled tightly at the edges. The pattern was only visible when the scarf was stretched taught. I was about to rip it out when a friend of mine said - oh, I love that, it looks like an opera scarf. Really?!# And so I continued thinking that maybe I could just back it with fabric.

When it was done, I blocked it and backed it with the ivory Irish linen we carry (1/8 yd.) I've worn this scarf many times since. Isn't that the way? Sometimes, you can work on something with no confidence and then it becomes your favorite thing. Or, you can work on something, adoring every minute, and for some reason it just doesn't work as a finished project. This one definitely works!
The Pattern:
Materials: 1 skein
Cotton Nerimaki Slub, U.S. #9 straight needles, 1/8 yd. linen fabric (60" wide), matching thread.
Instructions: Cast on 12 sts. K2, *YO, p2tog* across next 10 sts, knit last 2 sts. Note: do not yarn-over before the last 2 stitches since that would result in an increase. Repeat this pattern until desired lenghth. Cast off. Block scarf to measure 3" x 58". Cut fabric 3" wide. Fold in sides and ends 1/4" and press flat. Pin to scarf and machine stitch in place. The linen backing will not cover the full width of the scarf. The 2 edge stitches on both sides will not be backed. (See last photo above).
very pretty indeed!
ReplyDeleteDid you recognize "the friend" who named the scarf and encouraged me to keep knitting?
ReplyDeleteI watched you with my usual amazement through the whole process. You are an artist. A fiber artist. You ebb and flow and love and hate and rip and try again. I never really got the connection until recently. You fiber artists are just like us painters. We don't really know what we set out to create. We try, some are magnificent and some not so good. But, we keep trying, because a lot of it is the process and then there is the glory in creating something we love and others love. You did just that in this piece. You did not like it much through the process of deciding out what you wanted it to be. But, in the end you won. You created a beauty. One more piece in the line of Fiber Arts at The Grove. An evolution. You are surrounded by such talent. You guys amaze me at how many new designs you can come up with to use all the materials you have at hand. We are all so lucky to have you and your expanding artists creating so much excitement at The Grove. Guys, if you have not been in for a while. Things are a changing. New energy and enthusiasm is contagious. These girls just do not sleep. I for one have pulled out my old childhood Singer featherweight to take up sewing again. Judy Patuti is giving me private lessons. You cannot imagine more fun then to spend an hour with Judy bringing me back to childhood memories and patiently helping me remember how to sew. This afternoon I made 90% finished lounging pants from Heather Ross's wonderful book "Weekend Sewing" in almost three hours. I am hoping Judy will be able to offer more sewing classes at The Grove. Stay tuned. I will be wearing these darling comfy pants tomorrow in a gorgeous Amy Butler fabric I adore. Need to run. I am getting my new sewing part of my world in order. Thank you Judy!!
ReplyDeleteShucks. That was lovely. Makes it all worth it. Thank you!