Good lord. With judi patuti's gorgeous fabric collection now at the Grove, I need more fabric like I need more yarn! I can assure you, this was not a planned purchase. Post waterfront walk, we went to a fabric store to buy elastic for this darling doggie bed we're designing. Now, don't you know, they didn't have any elastic, but they did have this gorgeous fabric resembling Il Papiro's vegetable dyed, hand-made paper products! As you can see by the below picture, this was something that was especially meant for me.

Years ago, when I lived in Boston, I frequented an Il Papiro store and on occasion would splurge and buy a journal with a ribbon bookmark and gold edged pages, with the yellow-y Italian paper inside. It had brown lines instead of black. I just loved loved loved this paper. When DH & I went to Florence several years ago, one of my priorities was to go to the original store. Turns out it was right next door to our pensione! How incredible was that. This photo is of the journal I bought there. And that photo justifies, in my mind, the purchase of yet more fabric. Don't you think?
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