Yesterday we were talking about wanting to wear a little fabric/ knitted somethin' somethin' to Judy's reception today. We came up with this headband made out of Tina Givens fabric and Louisa Harding's Nautical Cotton (which happens to be on sale at the Grove for the month of June). Gail is going to wear it today! So you'll no doubt see pictures of her actually donning this modest but darling creation.
As for
Leaves of Grass, I rediscovered this book a couple of days ago and had it on the buffet. That's how it happened to stumble into this picture. Copyright 1907. Found at a used book barn (literally) in the Berkshires in 1976.

I treasure it because the prior owner cut out these pictures of Walt Whitman, pasted them in the book along with a quote from the 1895 journal entry of Josephine Preston Peabody

which says: "Walt Whitman...is a revelation to me. He sets one to thinking as the ground - the earth itself - does with its sweetness, its vastness, its glorification of decay, its divine
utilitarianism. He makes me think of all the tremendous economics of nature."
I also treasure it because the first time my husband-to-be visited my apartment, he saw it and exclaimed - Oh, my favorite book! And we read cherished poems from it to each other. Ah, so many years ago - if he tried to read to me now, I'd probably say: Honeyyyy! Not now! I'm counting lace.
Ah, but I digress....time to get ready for work and the judi patuti
reception. BTW, We're having fresh-squeezed lemonade (compliments of DH) and home-baked Neiman Marcus chocolate chip cookies. Hope to see you there!