Sunday, May 10, 2009

When Jasmine Last in the Doorway Bloomed

This intoxicating jasmine greeted me this morning when I opened my front door. I use the word "intoxicating" literally because I was drunk on its beauty and scent when I made the decision to move from Boston to L.A. in 1989. I was madly in love and on my first real vacation in several years. I had heard so much about L.A....mostly negative, of course...and I was shocked to the Spring... that L.A. is a lady. And she wears perfume from night-blooming jasmine. That smell is forever imprinted in my mind and I blame it for my rather sudden decision to move from Boston to L.A.

Turns out it was a rather rocky beginning for my new West Coast life and at times, I'd think - what on earth was I thinking. And my next thought was...if I hadn't gotten drunk on that damn jasmine, maybe I could have seen BD for what he really was. And L.A. too. Not such a good fit.

Now I live in a house with a front porch thickly draped in jasmine, with a devoted husband, a puppy named Scoutie, so many good friends, and as much yarn as anyone could want.

And I thank god for jasmine.


  1. The most delicious smell wafted thorugh the gauze curtained window in my bedroom the other day...I thought "what is that amazing smell??" And then I knew: the jasmine is in bloom again! Yay! I'm glad you made it to San Diego and the good life... and I love The Grove!

  2. and I thank god for jasmine....and it's bringing you too the West Coast
