Monday, February 16, 2015

There are knitters and then there are KNITTERS!

One of the best things a knitter can hear is that someone close to them is having a baby.  Every stitch that goes into that inevitable baby blanket is a wish for health and goodness.  Lining baby blankets with one of judipatuti's flannel fabrics is the ultimate.

I just discovered this Pinterest tutorial about the best stitch to use when attaching fabric to a hand-knitted piece.  How could I not have known about TechKnitter all these years?  Her tips and finishing techniques are downright humbling.  Her profile says: 30 years of tricks want out of my mind and into yours.  It's always learning the tricks that is the hardest part of knitting and rarely are they written.  They're the kind of things that are passed down between knitters sitting side-by-side.  So sit beside TechKnitter on line and peruse her blog that imparts a knitter's secret wisdom.


  1. She's great. I've learned so many things from her! Darling blanket :-)

  2. She's great. I've learned so many things from her! Darling blanket :-)

    1. So glad you know about her. Love that you've learned many things on her site!
