All I want to do these crisp Fall days is wrap wrap wrap and sew sew sew. I never thought I would discover another passion as deep-seated as my love of knitting. Never say never.
With the guidance of Susan's Brier's book,
It's A Wrap II. I have now gone beyond the precut fabric strips known as honey buns and am into cutting my own strips of
judipatuti fabrics to make these bowls and coasters. I am getting more proficient at sewing staighter zig-zag seams. But I still find it a challenge to get a good join. And that is what embellishments are for! Judipatuti's rick rack is perfect for the edging.

The coasters look so darling with the fabric strip bows. Since the edges of the fabric shred a bit, I zigzag stitched two strips together (wrong side to wrong side) and trimmed the edges close to the stitching. It produces a neater looking bow, with no right or wrong side.
What I have really enjoyed is having my friends pick their own fabric from
judipatuti's collection. Each set is unique to them. I think that if you put them all in a pile, I could identify the person who chose each one...that's how personal they are. For example, I would know instantly that this set was Jo's since she loves pink and brown!

I've gotten so many requests for these that I am going to be making them for the October 2nd walkabout. Currently, they are priced at $19.95 for a set of 4 coasters, or $4.95 for singles and $28.00 - $32.00 for the bowls. I've got some Halloween treat bowls in the works which I hope to show you soon!