In the past week or so, we have had some marvelous classes at the Grove and the energy and camaraderie is so wonderful, I'd chose to be there even if I wasn't working. Susan Schlesinger from Bonita Knit & Sew has joined our staff and taught her first beginning crochet class for us last weekend. What a pleasure it was to have her. She is, well, professional in every sense of the word. And fun to boot, too, as you can see by the smiling faces in her class. (Okay, I told everyone they had to smile for the camera or they would fail the class, but still...she is a lot of fun!) I'm working on finalizing our March calendar and she is going to teach a wonderful baby afghan class, hold a crochet clinic, and of course, teach another beginning crochet class. So keep an eye out for our newsletter which will be posted on my blog by mid-week.

To our great delight, we also had Valerie Hebert teaching needle felting last Saturday. Oh, I wish you could see the fibers in these heavenly kits by Pagewood Farms and see what these wonderful students produced. One could have worn hers home! She was done in 2 hours and she did a beautiful job. We're hoping Val will teach more needle felting classes for us. It's amazing to me that such a wonderful artist can be as outgoing and articulate as Val. Not every one who "does" can "teach" so she is a rare bird! Check out her
website and you'll see why I chose the word "bird"!

And then, of course, we had another wonderful
judi patuti sewing class. This time, she taught Amy Butler's Gum Drop Pillow class and her students were so good that they all but finished in the first session!
When you look at the collective talent at the Grove, between the teachers and the students, it is downright overwhelming. How blessed are we to be in each others' lives?