I loved knitting every stitch of this silk cowl and placing every bronze bead! The yarn is 100% silk, hand-dyed by Blue Ridge yarns and the beads are from Beadology in Huntington Beach. Not all beads are made the same. Originally, I started out using a non-metallic bead and many of them I couldn't use because the holes were too small. This was a laborious exercise...trying each bead until I found one that slipped on. When I found Beadology's bronze beads at the Tuscon show, I frogged the cowl and started over with my new beads. Every one fit. I'm not sure if this is because metallic beads lend themselves to precision more than glass, or because of the quality factor. Perhaps it's a little bit of both. The beads I used are "Miyuki Seed Beads", 6's. They cost $9.50 a tube (much pricier than the glass beads) and I used just about the whole tube. Well worth it, given the caliber of the piece.
It is very difficult to capture this beautiful piece (especially with my weak photography skills!) so if you're around this weekend, do stop by a take a gander. The piece is elegant, inspiring, and very wearable (i.e., not heavy even given the beads).
Friday, February 17, 2012
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Knitting with Beads
Looking over the last few entries, I was surprised to see that two of my most recent projects are knitted with beads. And I have just finished this pattern, my third. I did go to the Bead Show in Tucson, but all these projects were either completed or underway by the time I left on February 3rd. Isn't it funny how we steadfastedly head in a particular direction unconsciously and it's only by looking back that we see a theme? Think of that statement beyond knitting! So I guess we need to look back now and then to see what we're up to and where we are heading...unknowingly.
I am never bored with knitting, but lately I've had a spring fever type feeling...waiting for the next new thing. It's time. I just don't know what it is. When I was in Tucson, the idea of mixed media knitting was most intriguing to me. I experimented with wire lace, beads, findings, etc. and was filled with energy and awe over new ideas. Here's a couple of samples of what I did.
The thing is, this embellishing was on free form knitting and free form knitting falls within the "art" category and not necessarily the "wearable" category, so I am trying to apply these new thoughts to every day pieces. Aha, that's it!. That's what's hatching!
P.S. Aside from looking back, it's also a good idea to just write when things aren't clear. Ah, how we learn and relearn the same lessons throughout our lives.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Way to start a morning!
Ah! A warm fire and a cup of dark coffee. The Tucson bead show ended yesterday and we're relaxing before we hit the road. Our beloved San Diego is 6 hours away with David & Scout waiting in the window for me. That's as cozy a thought as the fire warming toes! Judipatuti's bead mats, thread catchers, and totes were a smash. Irresistible to most! We'll have them in the shop so you can see what all the buzz is about! As for me I am inspired with the idea of multimedia, free form knitting. It all came together for me at the show and it is very exciting!